Here at Spring Branch Missionary Baptist Church we provide several different types of ministry:
Deacons Ministry: in corporation with the Pastor is to have general supervision of the moral, spiritual, and everyday welfare of the church; minister to the members of the church, particularly the sick and the distressed; care for the discipline of the church guided by Matthew 18: 15-17, 1 Corinthians 5: 9-13, 1 Thessalonians 5: 12-14.
Deaconess Ministry: is to win more souls for Christ by visiting the sick, serving communion, preparing candidates for Baptism, presiding over prayer service (one Wednesday per month) welcoming new members, and register babies for blessing.
Missionary Ministry: is to evangelize, and spread the Gospel through intercessory prayer, visitation, scripture reading, food distribution, educational workshops, and donations.
Health and Wellness Ministry: is to provide information and support to help us take care of our physical and psychological health.
Sunday School Ministry: is to teach and discuss the Word of God so that people are lead to salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor’s Partners Ministry: serves to assist Pastor and family in various activities and celebrations. The focus of this ministry is to exhibit love, show support and give priority to those efforts that demonstrate the congregation’s love and appreciation for the leadership and dedication of pastor and family.
Multi-Media Ministry: seeks to spread the good news of Jesus Christ by providing alternative media and opportunities for all worship services and other special events as designated.
Ushers Ministry: provides initial introduction to Spring Branch MBC’s worship experience by greeting and seating our members, visitors and friends.
Nurses Ministry: is to provide first aid to victim that has fallen ill until first respondents/911 has been called and arrive.
Youth Ministry: is to win the souls of young people twenty-five and under through the development and implementation of programs, Christian Education classes, worship services, and cultural events designed to reach youth and young adults by using their own language and by recognizing their own sensibilities and norms, in faithful service to God, church and community.
Floral Club Ministry: is to adorn the sanctuary with floral arrangements for worship services, events, and special occasions throughout the year.
LIGHT Ministry: Ladies Intentionally Giving, Helping and Touching Others.
- Vision Verse: Whoever loves a brother or sister lives in the light, and in such a person there is no cause for stumbling. -1 John 2: 10
- Mission Statement: “Women Reaching Women with a Purpose.” Our purpose is to bring women of all ages together for fellowship and spiritual growth, providing purposeful outreach in God’s kingdom and community.
- Our Mission is twofold:
- To build intentional relationships by:
- Widening our circle of friendships among women within the church family and spending purposeful time with women outside the family of God
- Serving God by using our giftedness for the benefits of others
- To strengthen women by:
- Spending time in the word of God
- Prioritizing time for worship and prayer
- Encouraging women to participate in mission activities
- To build intentional relationships by:
Liturgical Dance Ministry: is to utilize dance as a praise & worship tool to honor the holiness and supremacy of God.
Young Adult Ministry: targets the lost remnant of all congregations (ages 20 – 45). With a focus on outreach, we strive to instill a sense of purpose by actively demonstrating God’s love to all people regardless of race, ethnicity or social class.
Singles Ministry: designed to teach singles how to balance living single and saved through effective programming and classes catered to single men and women.